+31(0)6 - 27 834 007 arjan@crucialplay.nl

LEGO SERIOUS PLAY provides creative thinking processes, effective communication and innovative results.

Crucial Play helps you apply the amazing power of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY to you, your team, department or organization.


LEGO SERIOUS PLAY is a methodology to investigate the collective intelligence of a team, department or organization and to solve problems and improve decisions. It actively participates each participant and includes an active approach where everyone contributes.

The LEGO® stones are used as a medium to build and to express complex ideas through stories and metaphors. The conversation, problem, issue, system or idea is literally on the table. In this way one can talk about it, play with it, change, test, improve and ultimately decide together.

It unleashes creative energies, thoughts and ways that most adults have forgotten.

Some features of a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY workshop:

Individuals think differently
Teams communicate differently
Everyone thinks along
Outcomes are more creative and innovative

Certified - LEGO SERIOUS PLAY facilitator
Where can LEGO SERIOUS PLAY be of help? The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method has been used in recent years for the following topics:

Change management


Strategy development

Policy development


Team building


and much more...

Clients & Experience

Important is the experience of thousands of professionals who have been using this method for more than a decade in the largest companies in the world. Organizations that are as diverse as NASA, Google, EY, Shell, Coca-Cola, SAP and of course LEGO have used this method to solve problems, build better teams and develop foreign leaders.

However, it is not only the multinationals that have discovered the power of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY. Many middlesized and small organizations also see the added value of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY. A few clients of Crucial Play can be found here.

If you are looking for an innovative way to involve your people in solutions, let them think and develop innovatively and you dare to take on the challenge to do this with the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method, send me a message. Of course, I am more than willing to look together what can be possible.


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